Thank you for your interest in the Tossin’ for a Cure Corntoss Challenge Event. At this time, we have made the decision to postpone the event until Summer 2020
While we work to secure a new date and location, please keep an eye out for communications! Thank you in advance for your understanding! If you have any additional questions, please reach out to
The Tossin for a Cure Corntoss Challenge a day of friendly competition and fun all for a great cause - support of ALS Research! Register to play or just hang out. Every dollar raised benefits ALS Research at the ALS Therapy Development Institute, a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to finding a cure for ALS.

$500 Level

$250 Level

$100 Level

Each year, the event takes place in multiple cities across the U.S. featuring the tailgate game Cornhole. Since its creation by the Young Faces of ALS in 2011, the event has raised over $1.5 million and engaged over 5,000 participants in 23 cities nationwide. Join in a day of fun, fundraising, and friendly competition to help end ALS! Become a national or local event sponsor, donate food or goods, or create a Corntoss team and fundraise. 100% of proceeds will go directly towards research. Join us as we make our voices heard and bring us closer to a world without ALS!

About the ALS Therapy Development Institute
The ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI) and its scientists actively discover and develop treatments for ALS. Based in Kendall Square, ALS TDI is the world’s first and largest nonprofit biotech focused 100 percent on ALS research. Led by people with ALS and drug development experts, it understands the urgent need to slow and stop this disease. Learn more at
About ALS
Every 90 minutes, someone is diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease or Motor Neuron Disease (MND). It is a progressive and fatal neurodegenerative disease that causes muscle weakness, difficulty breathing and swallowing, and paralysis while leaving the senses intact. Most people survive two to five years after their diagnosis, with an estimated 30,000 people in the U.S. and 450,000 worldwide living with the disease. While ALS is often considered a mid-to late-life disease, ALS affects people of all ages. It can affect anyone, anywhere. Currently, there is no effective treatment or cure.
About the Young Faces of ALS
Created by people living with ALS who were diagnosed before their 35th birthdays, the Young Faces of ALS (YFALS) is the first community for young people afflicted by ALS, as well as their families and friends. The purpose of the program is to create an engaging online community of young people committed to raising awareness of ALS and funds for ALS research at the ALS Therapy Development Institute. In 2011, they founded the Corntoss Challenge. Since then, the Young Face of ALS have raised over $1.5 million for ALS TDI.
The ALS Therapy Development Institute is a 501(c)3 EIN# 04-3462719. All donations are tax deductible.