What would you say if you could put it on the back of my shirt?
Tell the world what you think! Send someone a personal message! Share your grievances with the people! Ask your person that burning question! State your opinion! (Don’t forget, it’s election season!) Advertise your business!
I will happily share your message with the world…within reason…(as long as it isn’t vulgar or hurtful, gets me shot, run over, or fired).

How does this work?
Messages start at a minimum donation of $25.00 which gets you
two (2) miles of run distance. Every subsequent mile is an additional $5.00. Miles may be run at one time or spread out over several days, depending on training schedule.
Pictures of me running with your message will be shared via Instagram, Facebook, and my blog (New NormALS/z) where I will share my thoughts and feelings about running with your message that day. All accounts are under some variation of #SeeKatieRun2EndALS.

Join me as I outrun ALS!

Why I Run
I run for my husband, Charlie Bauer, who had ALS and died too soon. I run because I can, and I run for those who can't.

Thank you for supporting me!
-Katie Bauer