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Transaction Confirmation ID: | {{model.Id}} |
Transaction Confirmation ID: {{model.Id}} |
Date of Transaction: | {{model.DonationDate|aspDate|date:'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss'}} |
Date of Transaction: {{model.DonationDate|aspDate|date:'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss'}} |
Billing Information: | {{model.FirstName}} {{model.LastName}} |
Billing Information: {{model.FirstName}} {{model.LastName}} {{model.Address1}} {{model.City}}, {{model.StateAbbreviation}} {{model.ZipPostalCode}} {{model.CountryName}} |
{{model.Address1}} | |
{{model.City}}, {{model.StateAbbreviation}} {{model.ZipPostalCode}} | |
{{model.CountryName}} | |
TRANSACTION TOTAL: | {{model.Amount|currency}} |
TRANSACTION TOTAL: {{model.Amount|currency}} |
Fair Market Value Received: | {{model.Fmv|currency}} |
Tax Deductible Value: | {{model.TaxDeductibleValue|currency}} |
Your email serves as a tax receipt, no goods or services were provided in exchange for this donation. 100% of this gift is tax deductible. To lower costs and to comply with IRS guidelines, a paper tax receipt and thank you letter will be sent to anyone who donates $250 or more. Please call our office at 617-441-7204 to request a paper copy. ALS TDI is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization whose tax ID number is 04-3462719. The contact person at ALS TDI for matching gift requests is Roxanne Murden who can be reached at 617.441.7204 or by email at |
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Please take a moment to complete our online donation feedback survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated! |