Round Robin Pickleball Tournament
Saturday, May 6, 2023
(Rain Date: Sunday, May 7, 2023)
12 PM - 3 PM
Pickleball Palace
1448 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange, NJ 07052
Join us for a day of pickleball fun with a purpose: the Paddle Up for ALS round-robin doubles tournament.
Haven’t tried pickleball yet? Sign up for a group lesson with a pickleball pro! Or just watch the action and enjoy games, food trucks, a wine pull, pickles (obviously!) and more. All proceeds benefit the ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI) and their mission to #EndALS.
We’re proud to be part of the Acing ALS 50-State Challenge and their goal to host at least one pickleball event in each state during 2023. To learn more, click here.