Funeral Details:
The funeral will be Sunday, April 11, 2021 at 12:00pm Eastern Standard Time [EST] via zoom.
To join the Zoom-only Funeral
(passcode "david" embedded)
Meeting ID: 949 9252 0154
Passcode: david
To call into the Funeral:
(301) 715-8592
Shiva details are included below.
From the Rascoe family:
In honor of David’s impactful life, the Rascoe family wants to share with you the written piece about David and the ability to donate to a very important cause. This option is in lieu of sending anything to the Rascoe's and an alternative way to show support since everything will be conducted remotely.
During this challenging time with coronavirus, all arrangements will be conducted remotely via zoom only. Please respect the wishes and safety of the Rascoe family by following the request for all mourning to be remote.
David Rascoe is the husband, father, brother, son, and friend you talk to when you need any advice, regardless of the time or place. He is the man with a plan and that plan is always centered around his family. With four kids on his back and his wife by his side every step of the way, David has positively impacted and inspired all who have the pleasure of knowing him.
His personal network spans decades and across international waters. He is the voice of reason that guided you through the job interview process, running your business, and lifted you up when you needed a hug. He defines what it means to be a genuine friend. Through unwavering love and unparalleled devotion, he shows us all how to put family first. He is a true mensch.
The last several years, David Rascoe suffered from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This neurodegenerative, progressive disease affects the brain and spinal cord, which makes it increasingly more difficult to do even the most mundane tasks. Despite this unimaginable diagnosis, David continued to be a source of wisdom and light in the lives of all of his family and friends.
At present, medications can only slow ALS and reduce pain and discomfort from symptoms. ALS remains uncured, but it is not incurable. This lab’s singular purpose is to identify potential cures for ALS. We want to ensure that another family does not have to experience this pain and bear witness to this debilitating disease.
In honor of David, please consider a donation to this organization. Contributions of any and all sizes are welcomed and sincerely appreciated.
With thanks and hope for a healthier future with our loved ones,
Betsy, Alex, Erin, Ben, Bari, Sarah, and Alana
Shiva Details:
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Evenings 6 pm Eastern Standard Time [EST]
Friends and family will be invited to share
condolences and memories via chat.
To join Shiva
(passcode "bethel" embedded)
Meeting ID: 472 628 562
Passcode: bethel
To call into Shiva:
(301) 715-8592