Mark’s Team 2023 medium route
Mark’s Team 2023 long route

Mark's Team 2022 Medium Route
2022 long route riders

2021 medium route riders

2021 long route riders

2020 week 3 where 2 groups merged

2020-week 3

2020-week 3

2020-week 2 + 3 riders not shown

2020-week 1
2020-week 3

2019-long route riders
2019-medium route riders
Mark's Team, pictured above, grew over the years. Leon introduced us to ALS Bike Trek MN prior to 2013. We started raising money in 2013 and as of 2023 have raised a cumulative total of more than $75,000. In 2020 we rode multiple weeks with small groups due to COVID. Since then we've been able to ride in 2 groups, this year we are adding another route, 43 miles. Will you join Mark's Team? It's not just for fun, we are supporting research for a treatment and cure of ALS.

Join Mark’s Team August 24, 2024 as we ride to support research for a treatment and cure of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). In 2003 my brother, Mark noticed weakness in his hands and neck which progressed to weakness in his legs and his ability to breathe. Tests to eliminate other diseases culminated with his ALS diagnosis in 2005 and he passed away in 2007. Pictured above are Mark and Rita in 2005. We will ride from Scandia MN and you will find more information at the Hiawatha Bicycling Club ride calendar for August 24, 2024.
There will be four routes: 53 Miles, 43 Miles, 28 Miles and 10 Miles.
You can find the route map and cue sheet at by clicking on August 24th. Distances will be confirmed prior to ride.
Scandia City Hall and Community Center
14727 209th St. N., Scandia, MN