2025 TCS New York City Marathon | 11.2.2025

Application Form

2025 TCS New York City Marathon

The ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI) is offering the opportunity to participate as an official entrant in the 2025 TCS New York City Marathon Full Marathon to be held Sunday, November 2, 2025. Before completing the application form below, it is important to note that there is a $5,000 fundraising minimum required of the successful applicant. Those funds support ALS TDI's mission to find effective treatments and cures for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).


ALS TDI is the world's foremost drug discovery center focused solely on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). As a nonprofit biotech, its Watertown, MA-based science team actively discovers and develops treatments for ALS. Led by people with ALS and drug development experts, ALS TDI understands the urgent need to slow and stop this disease. Visit www.als.net for more information.


Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Motor Neuron Disease (MND), Lou Gehrig's Disease, and Charcot's disease, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that attacks motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. This results in the wasting away of muscle, loss of movement and eventual paralysis. There are an estimated 30,000 people living with ALS in the United States at any given time. Every 90 minutes, someone is diagnosed with ALS. About 90% of all ALS cases are sporadic with no known history of the disease in a family. The remaining 10% of cases are known as familial ALS.


The minimum fundraising requirement is $5,0001 and must be reached by Friday, November 21, 2025. Any outstanding balance will be charged by ALS TDI using the entrant's credit card on file on Monday, November 24, 2025.


ALS TDI offers the following benefits to the successful applicant:

  • Fundraising tips and assistance in the creation of a peer-to-peer web page for personal fundraising.
  • Virtual 16-week training program provided by 6-Star Abbott World Marathon Majors Award recipient, Neil Gottlieb.
  • Branded training and race apparel.
  • Pre-race "carb load" dinner on Saturday evening, 11/1/2025.
  • "Cheer" zones along race course to keep runners motivated!
  • Thank you gift!


Please complete and submit this application by Monday, February 24, 2025 to be considered. Successful applicants will be chosen by internal selection committee, and notified no later than Friday, February 28, 2025. Contact the ALS TDI Events Team at events@als.net with questions.

1 While $5,000 is the minimum fundraising requirement, it is our mission to develop treatments for ALS as quickly as possible, and thus we will take note of those applicants with a strategy to raise funds beyond $5,000.

Step 1 of 5

Applicant Information

First Name is required
Last Name is required
Street Address is required
City is required
State is required
Zip Code is required
Email is required Invalid Email, this field should be in the format 'user@example.com'
Phone Number is required Invalid Phone Number
Gender is required
Date of Birth is required
Employer is required
Occupation is required
Step 2 of 5


A description of your fundraising experience is required
A goal is required
A description of your fundraising plan is required.
If yes, it may be possible to double the impact of your dollars!
Step 3 of 5

Connection to the Cause

Relation to ALS is Required
Please provide Relation to ALS Other
Please provide details
Your reason to run is required
Step 4 of 5

Running History

Number of Marathons is required
Expected Completion Time is required

Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact Name is required
Emergency Contact Phone Number is required Invalid Emergency Contact Phone Number
Emergency Contact Relationship is required

Additional Details

Shirt Size is required
Shirt Type is required
Step 5 of 5

Agreement and Release

Thank You!

We appreciate your interest in running the 2025 TCS New York City Marathon. Your application has been submitted. Kindly check your email for a confirmation. We will review your information and follow up with an answer. If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to contact at marathon@als.net.