
62% Raised of $250,000 Goal


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Stephen Finger - Root for a Cure for ALS

Stephen Finger

Thank you for supporting ALS TDI. Cara and I continue to be humbled by the support of our friends. Thank you. Your support means the world to us, and I truly believe the money we are raising (that you give) will make a difference. 

We have alreadty raised more than we originally thought possible through Root for a Cure in NYC during the 2014 World Cup, through Root for a Cure II in Tampa during the 2015 Super Bowl, through the Ice Bucket Challenge and through your donations. But that doesn't mean we're stopping. 

The money we are raising, that you are generous generously giving, will be put to good use by ALS TDI. This is an organization truly on the cutting edge of research to find treatments for ALS. They have pioneered new techniques, like setting the standards for the use of mouse models, or using iPS cells to rapidly screen therapeutics against a more representative population. They are focused on one thing: Finding effective treatments as fast as possible.  

We can move the needle here. An extra 50k, 100k, changes what they can do and how fast they can do it. A surge in donations in 2014 meant that they were able to accelerate their Precision Medicine Program and meant I was able to enroll. Your donations mean a treatment will be found sooner. 

Thank you for supporting the effort to find a cure for ALS.


About Stephen:

Stephen Finger is an economics professor at the Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina. Husband to Cara and father to Mary Adair and James, he was diagnosed with ALS in 2013. He started a blog chronicling his family’s journey living with the disease at  http://stephenfinger.wordpress.com and his writings have also appeared in the Huffington Post. Stephen is committed to raising funds to help more rapidly develop an effective treatment for ALS. He was awarded the 2014 Stephen Milne Adventurous Spirit Award by the ALS Therapy Development Institute and is an ardent supporter of their work. He also serves on the Board of Advisors for the Every90Minutes Foundation.

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